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Friday, February 03, 2006

3 February 2006, Friday

Well, here I am in the midst of my apparent poverty, while a storm of greatly increasing intensity is set to sweep an apparent war into a deep one. Who would have thought that a small newspaper in Denmark, just publishing 12 cartoons about Mohammed and Muslims, which, by Western standards, were rather tame and silly, albeit stupid and insensitive, would unleash such a storm around the world. The Muslim "street", which has been subdued until now, has had its excuse for all-out jihad. We understand that they cannot create or display even positive and respectful representations of the prophet Mohammed, much less images that mock or condemn him. But when they expect everyone else in the world to refrain from any kind of artistic speech about him, then, if we abide by their demands, we have then, in effect, begun to bring Sharia law to the entire world.

Intolerance and disrespect toward other religions is not acceptable, and the Danes, and the large number of European media outlets that have republished the cartoons were stupid and disrepectful. It's just as disrespectful as when atheist homosexuals drop crucifixes in urine and defecate on pictures of Christ, or Kanye West poses in a parody of the suffering Jesus going to Calvary's cross, or when Jesse Jackson once called Jewish areas of New York "Hymietown", or when Muslims engage in speech every day around the world declaring jihad against Christianity and Israel, such as Iranian President Ahmadinejad's promise to wipe "the Zionist entity" off the face of the earth. But that's just the point: when Christians and others point out the faults of Islam and its teachings, Muslim clerics savage attack the critics as bigots and fanatics, and haul them into court to be fined or jailed, as was done in Australia. But when Muslim clerics support and incite Muslims to engage in suicide bombing against Israel and the West, as the grand imam of Gaza did today before 9,000 people!, if Westerners point out such intolerance, Muslim leaders and their people savagely attack Westerners as bigots and fanatics, and lobby media institutions to terminate and destroy the careers of anyone who dares to challenge them.

The fact is, we are at war. Not just a war, but jihad, in the truest sense of the word. So many Westerners still, after 9/11, after Bali, after Besalan, after Iraq, think that the Muslim fascists are just a small minority, who are despised by the rest of Islam, whose moderate peers can be easily mollified by superior technology, military might, and secular reason.

They're not. The Islamofascists are a large percentage of the Muslim faith, though still not a majority, and like those of any significant religious faith, will not respond to anything but a defeat so crushing that it strikes to the heart of their ability to keep their faith. In short, the only cure for a jihad is a crusade.....a victorious crusade.

Perhaps we are about to come to that fact, that those who love freedom, truth, even reason and science must learn that those things are protected by faith, the Christian faith. Even Judaism and Israel will find that their fate is bound up in the willingness of Christianity to fight for them.

Don't bother me with the tripe about the inhumanity of the Crusades and crusaders. I am a student of that period, and the barbarism of the Muslims, even then, far outstripped the far more publicized abuses and atrocities of the Westerners. This is not the 11th century, the people who call themselves Christians have figured out the proper provinces of faith and state. There will be no forced conversions in our agenda. But the things we cherish are to be fought for, with blood to be shed if neccessary....especially that of our enemies.

It will only take one more strike of the match. When it comes, there may be a couple of billion people, in most of the world, but especially in the United States, who will once again shout back at the Jihadists the old Crusader war cry of John de Welt, "God wills it!"

Yes, I say, "God wills it!"

News sources and Relevant columns used for this post are:

Fox News

Yahoo News Photos

Powerline Blog

Ralph Peters in today's Weekly Standard

The Belmont Club (a blog as insightful an ongoing analysis of the conflict between West and Islam as any I've found)


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