A web journal committed to defend liberty, justice, and peace, by declaring the truth in love.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

25-26 September 2006

Well, this is going to have to be short. Another long day of doing busy work in order to get clear to do real work. Oh, well, complaining will not help matters at all, so I won't. I'm mindful of the fact that much more serious issues are emerging on the horizon....heck, they're almost into port. We're fast coming into the realization that we have our own Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo to deal with. It's Ahmadinejad, Chavez, and Kim Jong-Il. And this is a crowd who, once they all get nuclear weapons (as North Korea already has), will not be interested in using them to get bargaining leverage. They will use them. And it won't be pretty.

Yet, the world goes on with the party, as if these tyrants were just made up by a bunch of neighborhood kids inventing a fake war game. You know, how little girls will sometimes make up their own little language to converse with noone but themselves. Everyone is mindless about the emotional-political-cultural-economic train wreck that is coming on the world. I'll talk more about that tomorrow, when I'm less tired. After all, it's 1:45 a.m.



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