A web journal committed to defend liberty, justice, and peace, by declaring the truth in love.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

1 Lone Star

A New Beginning
Well, here I am, and isn't change grand?  I am Floyd Fernandez, and I am a lawyer.  I live in San Diego, California, and come originally from Port Arthur, Texas.  My chosen areas of specialty are in three areas:  international law, U.S. immigration law, and international human rights issues.  I love talking about these subject areas, and also about current events.  Some people would call me boring, but these kinds of issues really pull out my passion.  I have been in the practice of law for many years, and I've paid the dues I never should have put myself through.  I have finally tired of being involved with yet another minor traffic accident, or fight over somebody being fired, or over real estate boundaries, etc.  I'm ready to do something with my law license that gives me a feeling that I am not wasting my time.  So, I intend to be doing things with this webblog that, God willing, shall give me the ability to work on making a difference in this world, while maybe making enough money to keep me going, along with the Christian-oriented work my wife and I have done for over 7 years. 
On this webblog I'll be archiving articles and columns that will have a lot to do with different kinds of people:  those who suffer want or persecution, others who want to have a better life in a chosen field or business they have dreamed of building, or those who just want a new chance at life in the United States of America.  Sometimes I'll include opportunities to express concern to people in power about those persecuted for their religious beliefs, or their race, as is the case in Sudan's Darfur region right now.  At those times I'll work on posting links to form letters or to e-mail addresses or websites of various governments.   At times I'll be working with those of you or your loved ones to get into this country--which so many people are trying to do.  At other times I'll commit to working to help international businesses do business in this country, directly or through our intermediate help.
At any rate, I'm taking things like this out of the realm of my other webblog, Cafe Shiloh (www.cafeshiloh.blogspot.com), which is a lighter, travel & adventure-oriented blog from here on.  I also have another blog, called Re-Intro (www.Re-Intro.blogspot.com), which deals with spiritual matters, in keeping with my work as an ordained Christian minister engaged in counseling over the Internet with non-U.S. university students and others.  I'll let you know from time to time about unique opportunities for the enjoyment of life and the pursuit of truth in life.  Well, it's time to go for now.  But you'll hear from me soon, usually a couple times a week, eventually graduating to every day.  We'll see.  Bye for now.  God bless.