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Monday, February 05, 2007

5 February 2007--War Update

The thing that I am getting that is surely going to be ignored by the Western press is the following: First, that in the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), that was released on Friday, the news that was stated is not only wrong, but it completely ignores the real facts that were in the report. The basic principle that I am seeing as I read about the report is not the conclusion that within the next 12-18 months Iraq will completely descend into chaos, and that the U.S. can do nothing to stop it. It is how incredibly wrong, and how incredibly stupid and biased American civilian intelligence has become. They appear to be so completely given over to hating George Bush, being careerists who vote Democrat, that they are too preoccupied with leaking classified intelligence and about classified programs like the NSA phone intercepts, now defunct (congratulations, traitors!), to do any good intelligence. What I have read are two findings that, if properly followed up on, would be of incredible value to the Bush administration's argument that Iraq is indeed the centerpiece of the enemy's war of jihadist terror against the U.S. and the West. I found that in Hugh Hewitt and in Powerline, as well as in Captain's Quarters, that there is evidence, categorically rejected by the civilian intelligence cretins but held as absolutely conclusive by the Marine Corps and Army (who is doing the fighting and dying there), that Al Qaeda in Iraq have completely taken over the command apparatus of the Sunni insurgency from the Baathist party and local Sunni militias. That is a devastating development for the safety of the local populations, confirms that this is akin to a foreign invasion, and makes it imperative that Bush should pursue the troop surge and major campaigns in Baghdad and Al Anbar province with all possible speed.

Second, the fact also exists that a truly cynical alliance has now been created by Syria and Iran to engage in a pincer movement against Iraq, squeezing the Americans and their allies, and using the still-relatively open borders as a means to send men and material into the country. While time forbids continued pursuit of the ramification of this strange Machiavellian alliance of Shiite and Sunni, for all their professed hatred of each other, the possibility of ending their challenge effectively through the successful sealing of the border makes the gloominess of Iraq's future questionable indeed.

Also, it is important to note that, as quoted in Powerline, Hamas is being reported in the Jerusalem Post as very near the complete takeover of Gaza, the Palestinian region's largest city, over the Fatah Party of President Mahmoud Abbas. There is already similar intelligence that not only Al Qaeda, but Iran's Revolutionary Guards now have a prominent role in the city, working alongside Hamas. It is truly incredible that the people who now openly declare that Israel shall be destroyed by them now have the outskirts to the gates of Israel itself. And yet the Super Bowl almost completely ignores the troops, in their ceremonies, and their commercials, at a time of war. As said by Dean Barnett on Hugh Hewitt and in Powerline, it is sad, and disrespectful to say the least, that the troops have been told, by the Super Bowl, the likes of the Senators voting on the Biden-Warner resolution, and most of the American people, that they would just prefer that the war and the troops would just disappear.

This war has become like Vietnam, incredibly brave and skillful American soldiers being totally disrespected and their victories turned into defeat by an American people unworthy of their sacrifice. All I can say is that God is watching, and He has ways to make sure that the ingrates pay, and pay dearly. I will describe it in one man's name: G. Adnan Shukrijumah (do a Google search in the archives of The Patriot Post, as well as the Los Angeles Times (free subscription required). It is totally chilling).

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

---Belisarius II---


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