A New and Living Way--Introduction
Because I am writing at a strange time, I am going to begin this topic with a very short introduction. I am wanting to begin discussion on the issue of how to maintain the status of the nation state, as a democratic state, in the midst of the move to globalization and increasing reliance on international organizations as the means to ensure order and consistency of law. The fact is, the headlong rush to consistency, order, and security eventually leads to one result: the loss of human liberty. Indeed, the notion of moral relativism, that believes that noone (such as President Bush) can insist on advancing democracy as superior to other modes of government, is an outrage against the ability of nations to govern in liberty based upon morality and just laws. Relativism must be opposed by those upholding a Judeo-Christian system of morality and globalization must be restrained by those who love liberty.
I will also sometimes be sharing what I have learned from what I research from other authors and publications. Since most of those coming here are lawyers or people interested in international law and similar subjects, I will keep it close to that subject area. Hope to have lively discussion. Adios.