Hi. I am just going about my business tonight, while Gail is in the kitchen, doing what keeps this house from becoming a mess. I have been going through the menagerie of news and world events that have come across my way, using the contacts that I have read. Tonight I come from reading Hugh Hewitt, who talked about the complete mess that the Washington Post, along with the Associated Press, made of the Defense Department Inspector General's report. They kept up the lie....
the treasonous lie!!!.....that it was George Bush's people who lied about intelligence in Iraq about a connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Both Hugh and, especially Powerline came up with all sorts of well-documented information showing the mainstream media to be absolute
liars!!! But what do you expect from
traitors???!!!Powerline even came up with an archived video from ABC News in 2000, reporting the close connection between the two entities, particularly through Saddam's former Internal Security minister and Osama himself. But of course, there will be no correction or retraction. Both the 9/11 Commission and the Lord Butler Commission in Great Britain documented the Saddam-Al Qaeda Commission, as differentiated from the issue of the 9/11 conspiracy itself. There were even conversations between the two organizations about their mutual interest in finding nuclear weapons materials, and the building of WMD, both in Iraq and Sudan, where both Osama and Saddam had interests. But then again, there is that little thing about the
traitors in our midst.....they
must keep the masses stupid and ignorant of the true circumstances of the war, which, by Ayman al-Zawahiri's own admission, is the central front now in the war between the IslamoFascist terrorists and the United States and her allies (those few we have---thank God for Australia and Poland).
Well, there is more. I read an incredible article, reprinted in Bridget Gabriel's website, American Congress for Truth, of an interview made in Frontpage with Dr. Bill Warner, an eminent historian. The subject was about the duality of "Political Islam", in which Islam is exposed as a study of contradiction: its approach to humanity denying the notion of equality, with "believers" treated with utmost respect while "infidels" are treated as no better than animals. The incredible fact is how the world reacts to the incredible litany of injustices by this evil religion with complete denial. Shame, humiliation (to think the Muslims assume to themselves the right to those emotions), leading the West, India, Africa, the world to pretend that nothing happened at the hands of Islam's followers. To think that 60 million Christians (that's right) died in the initial 400 years of Islam's war against the Christendom of the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey, and the invasions of Europe
before the occurrence of the Crusades! One million European slaves during those early years...the entire world-wide African slave trade which lasted over a thousand years....all of that Islamic-originated. The Muslim conquest and destruction of India's former Indus River civilization between 700-1400--70 million dead! I can understand why so much hate toward the Muslims exist by the Hindus of India. The fact that the tradition of widows throwing themselves on the funeral pyres of their husbands in India originated with the shame of wives, raped by Islamic conquerors, committing suicide---incredible! And after that period, the total death toll by Muslim conquerors and tyrants through dhimmitude of non-Muslims worldwide? Another 270 million! Even communism did not equal such carnage!
What makes it worse, is that the Islamist willingness to destroy all trace of intellectual resistance and competing art and culture makes it intimidating to even give voice to all that has been done in the name of Allah. The reaction to Salman Rushdie, the Danish cartoons, Pope Benedict's quotation of the words of a 14th century Byzantine potentate of of Islam's legacy of bloodshed, not to debate it, but to simply threaten death to the heralds of historical truth.
Well, I will speak. Now I know that I was one who was willing to lift up his voice and be counted. When you read that, knowing that there is absolutely
nothing ever done by Christendom to remotely compare with the actions done by Islam. But yet, it's like the notion "steal a dollar or steal a million dollars, you're both equally a thief." I never bought that idea, and the absurdity has never been more clear than in the revelations I have learned.
I am angry a lot these days, but not hateful. I hate Islam, but find myself happy to greet clearly Muslim people with "salaam alayakum" when I meet them. That means, I can hate the sin yet love the sinner. That drove some of the people in my former church crazy...they thought that it was arrogant to say that, that we should just accept wickedness, even deny that evil is even evil. What a disgraceful thing to believe in a Christian church! That is why it is my former church, and their pastor my former pastor. But I guess there will be many who will soon learn soon enough that, to paraphrase Marvin Gaye, only love does not conquer hate in this case. Love will be met with wrath, tolerance with outrage, kindness with destruction.
Only hate will destroy Islam. Hate and war. Love will come, but only after we have totally destroyed them, destroyed their cities, annihilated tens of millions of people, perhaps even more. Utterly broken them of the belief that there is a future for that religion and its vision of the world. Once that comes, and believe it or not, I am convinced that victory for the West and Christianity will occur, then we help them build a new world and a new life for them, in peace and freedom. They may not want it on the front end, but as was the case for Japan and Germany in World War II, destruction made it possible for their nations to have two of the most free, peaceful, democratic, and prosperous societies in the history of the world, and the greatest in the history of their respective countries.
It's not popular, but I will say it. The answer to Jihad is.....Crusade!
As the Crusaders would say, "God wills it!!!"
---Belisarius II---