29 November 2006
Well, well, well. I am shocked, SHOCKED, that the New York Times has published yet another confidential, classified White House memorandum that tells us that President Bush has a lack of confidence that Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki will be successful in getting the Shiite militias under control, especially the Badr Brigades of Imam Moqtada al-Sadr. And so interesting, the story based upon that leaked memo is published the morning that the President is scheduled to hold a meeting in Amman, Jordan with both Prime Minister al-Maliki and Jordan's King Abdullah. Well, to quote an 80s TV show, LA Law's lead character Douglas McKenzie, "Don't you just love a good coincidence?" Yes, indeed, and of course, the meeting was canceled for at least one day, allowing the President of the United States to hold up in an Amman hotel for an additional day, if he's even successful in one of the most important political meetings of the decade, one which will possibly determine the future of the Iraq war.
I wish I had the power to do what I would like to the New York Times, after what they did in revealing the numerous leaks of classified documents, from the NSA intercepts of international calls of terrorists into the U.S. to the release of the program of successfully trace the bank accounts used by terrorist organizations. Even today, Michelle Malkin, in her blog, notes that the NSA has made a full disclosure of the intercept program, and the panel, which included Bill Clinton's former White House counsel Lanny Davis, unanimously stated that the NSA has actually been extremely effective in effecting safeguards for civil liberties with the program. So much so that Lanny Davis stated that he wished that the country could have had this information, which would reassure them that the Bush administration is indeed totally committed to protecting civil liberties while fighting terrorism. But don't hold your breath that the Times will ever print that story. I think the term "traitors" is accurately applicable to the New York Times, and it is disappointing that we cannot prosecute them all for either treason, or at least the 1917 Espionage Act, which I understand from Hugh Hewitt (who is a law professor as well as a conservative radio-blog commentator
Someday groups like the Times will learn that freedom of the press, while wide and expansive, is not infinite, and that revealing secrets to the world, including the enemy, in a time of war in the name of cheap political gain, is not just simply classless and unethical. It's illegal. It's treason. And criminals should be punished.
And traitors must die.
We can only pray and hope.
--Belisarius II----"For the Cid and for Spain!"--
Labels: War Against Islamofascism
[Dear friend], in reference to your reply to [third party contributor to his blog], you wrote:
“I think the most basic meaning of the quote is that the Gospel is essentially transcultural; there is no one culture that can say the Gospel is best understood, applied, lived in our particular culture. It should never be considered as belong to one culture in an exclusive or exalting sort of way.”
My response is dependent upon what you mean semantically in your comments. If you mean by those statements that the Gospel can be applied to and transform any society that embraces it, that is true. No society or culture owns the Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus owns the world, and each culture will be judged on the degree to which it accepted or rejected the Word. Or actually, the degree of the numbers of people who receive the Gospel, and employ it in shaping their lives in their culture, transforming that culture the way that the Holy Spirit transforms the penitent individual man. And no one culture possesses the right to insist on other cultures expressing the Gospel in the same way as they, except in the requirement that we all must alike accept the same Gospel message, and the same principles that flow from the Scriptures.
It is solely in their expression that diversity can have its proper place, not in its theology. That truth is shown today in the fact that it is in the Christian communities of the Third World where the greatest devotion to doctrinal purity is now expressed, while the historical denominations of the West, especially Europe, have so rejected their traditional teachings that they can no longer be justly called Christian churches at all.
However, if by the above statements you made you mean that no one civilization has the right to say that the Gospel has had a greater impact upon its life, or acts as a foundation for its existence, then you are simply ignoring history. Even the portions of Africa which was influential upon the earliest development of the faith (Athanasius’ Egypt or Augustine’s Hippo, for example), were actually parts of a European-Mediterranean Roman Empire, both pre- and post-Constantinian. Ethiopia’s Judeo-Christian culture was directly connected to Judaism under Solomon and Christianity under the Apostles, particularly Philip’s impartation of the grace of Christ to the Ethiopian potentate the Acts calls ‘the eunuch.’ And the sub-Saharan expressions of the Christian church trace their beginnings to Western missionaries and church planters.
Can native African animism claim a Scriptural foundation? Or Hinduism of India, or ancient poly-spiritual China and Asia, or Islam of the Middle East and South Asia? Or, God forbid, the trans-cultural curse of atheism, whether in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Mengistu’s Ethiopia, Mao’s China and Pol Pot’s Cambodia? The West, to the degree it has failed, is to the degree it departed from its foundations. The West is no exclusivist possessor of Christianity, but to ignore history and pretend that it has no reason to boast of a Christian foundation for its civilization is as laughable as the act of the European Union in removing any mention of Christianity in its preamble’s recitation of Europe’s historical origins.
As a Westerner, I humbly must acknowledge the flaws of my culture, and pray for the Lord to yet have mercy on us again and bring us revival. But it is healthy and right to take non-arrogant pride in the fact that it is Western civilization which was the first to embrace the faith as a transforming and foundational ethic. Some will call that healthy and patriotic pride a form of racism, and that Western Christianity should only feel shame for its heritage. That is no more fair than to tell African Christians that they should live in shame because their recent ancestors were shamans or Muslims. When Western Christians, especially Americans, are allowed to celebrate their distinctiveness while embracing the new heritage of faith now built by their brothers everywhere else, the divide of East and West, North and South, of race and ethnicity, will go a long way toward being healed.
Well, that's all for now. God bless and Happy Thanksgiving.