24 December 2006
Christmas, and London is whole. The information shared with the world by the British authorities appear to be bogus. Once again the stories of threats and imminent attacks and just-in-the-nick-of-time arrests and breakups of terrorist plots appear to be overblown. And the tantalizingly fearful warnings by our enemies of attacks and destruction is blowhard grandstanding. The population of the civilized world grow ever more cynical and unconcerned about authorities that continue to appear to "Cry Wolf." And the doubts continue to rise, the belief becomes more and more credible that we are not truly at war, and if we are, it is because of the warlike paranoia promoted by George Bush and Tony Blair, who should both be imprisoned for war crimes for starting the wars in Afghanistan and especially Iraq.
And the people become even more unconcerned and more vulnerable to the ultimate attack by the enemies of freedom---the Islamofascists and their friends among the worldwide left: North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, and China. And war has come today between Somalia and Ethiopia. It expands, while we sleep and party as if all will be perpetually well. So Merry Christmas, and continue to say, "Peace, peace."
The fire is coming. And there will be no place to hide this time.
--Belisarius II--