A web journal committed to defend liberty, justice, and peace, by declaring the truth in love.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

24 December 2006

Christmas, and London is whole. The information shared with the world by the British authorities appear to be bogus. Once again the stories of threats and imminent attacks and just-in-the-nick-of-time arrests and breakups of terrorist plots appear to be overblown. And the tantalizingly fearful warnings by our enemies of attacks and destruction is blowhard grandstanding. The population of the civilized world grow ever more cynical and unconcerned about authorities that continue to appear to "Cry Wolf." And the doubts continue to rise, the belief becomes more and more credible that we are not truly at war, and if we are, it is because of the warlike paranoia promoted by George Bush and Tony Blair, who should both be imprisoned for war crimes for starting the wars in Afghanistan and especially Iraq.

And the people become even more unconcerned and more vulnerable to the ultimate attack by the enemies of freedom---the Islamofascists and their friends among the worldwide left: North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, and China. And war has come today between Somalia and Ethiopia. It expands, while we sleep and party as if all will be perpetually well. So Merry Christmas, and continue to say, "Peace, peace."

The fire is coming. And there will be no place to hide this time.

--Belisarius II--

23-24 December 2006

Well, it appears that Al Qaeda is not going to succeed at the attack on London, which was said by ABC News to be imminent, and which the UK's Home Secretary said "would take a miracle to prevent it." In the world of counterterrorism and high level intelligence it is not unusual to withhold information, or even send disinformation in order to put the enemy off the trail of the progress of the hunt of the multiple terrorist plots (more than 20, according to MI5). Perhaps this is what happened here. If so, no problem. Hopefully it put the enemy in a state of overconfidence, being set up to be apprehended by the British (and possibly other) authorities.

As Winston Churchill once said, "In war, truth is a commodity indeed so precious that it must be guarded by a phalanx of lies." The leftist and godless press around the world cannot handle such a notion of being used by government as pawns in war. I for one, can only smile with pleasure at the notion of fools made out to be fools. But then again, I would personally march out the entire editorial board of the New York Times, along with most of its correspondents, and have them shot dead as traitors. But then again, who am I, but a patriot who doesn't understand his place?

It also appears that the Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the more moderate spiritual leader of the Iraqi Shiites, has rejected a U.S.-backed plan for a new Iraqi government that would have cut off Moqtada al-Sadr and his Sadr militia from further involvement in the government. Someone should have taken out al-Sadr three years ago, when we had the chance, but the opportunity appears to have passed. We have had multiple near misses with that rascal, but then again, it appears that Iran and her surrogates, of whom al-Sadr is a prominent one, keeps dodging the real and political bullets shot by the U.S., and they become stronger by the day.

Christmas is a bleak time for a patriot who believes that there will be true peace only on the other side of war. Every deal, every truce, every arrangement among warring parties in the Middle East, simply prolongs the inevitable, and ensures that when all-out does break out, it will be a darkness far beyond imagining by our history-bereft global society. Much reason for prayer.

In spite of everything, Merry Christmas. Jesus is still God, and the world cannot ever set that truth aside. So, "good Christian men and true, rejoice, with heart and soul and voice. Jesus Christ is born....to save."

--Belisarius II--

Friday, December 22, 2006

22 December 2006--P.M.

Well, time has passed by, almost an entire day, and no word of anything confirmed in London. I have been wondering what would enable a ragtag band of a few hundred British Muslim civilians to avoid the capture of what may be the finest law enforcement organization in the world, Scotland Yard, and what is possibly the finest intelligence unit in the world, MI6. I mean, when the Home Secretary (according to ABC News.com) announces that only a miracle could save London from an attack far worse than the attack of 7 July 2005, and that they know who these people are, yet cannot prevent them from this attack, it is truly chilling.

However, I have to say that it is almost the only thing that may slap the collective faces of civilized global society into facing reality. We are asleep. The world pays more attention to what happened to Abu Ghraib than to 9/11, or to Haditha than to Beslan. This is positively insane! Worse, most people under the age of 35 or more obsessed with Britney Spears going out dancing without any underwear than they are about the intention of Iran's president to utterly destroy Israel and bring the world into a final apocalyptic war. It is safe to say that 9/11 taught us nothing, and that we have a real day of reckoning now at hand. Sad, it would involve one of the greatest cities of all history being half-leveled.

War is inevitable, the sooner the better. And anyone who just thinks I'm bloodthirsty doesn't know me, not at all. The reason I advocate all out confrontation now is simple: every day buys the Islamofascists more time and they get stronger and bolder. Traditional Islam is not a religion that can be merely defeated, negotiated, cajoled, appeased, or with whom they can be co-existed. It must be absolutely crushed, and destroyed. And we have to go into this war holding nothing back, firmly convinced of the rightness of our cause--freedom for all mankind, and the worthiness of our civilization to be defended and preserved. There is no more time for self-doubt or mental self-mutiliation through "political correctness." We can face our demons and make restitution, but only on the heels of victory. I hope that it will be our ultimate choice as a society. I pray for our President, and for all the leaders of the civilized nations-targets of this monstrous evil of the last 14 centuries. We must crush it, once and for all.

In the words of the Crusader Pope, Urban II, "God wills it."

--Belisarius II--

21-22 December 2006

ABC News has posted a story, which I linked to from Hugh Hewitt, that a series of major terrorist attacks on London was "imminent", and that, according to Britain's intelligence and law enforcement leaders, "only a miracle will prevent such an attack from occurring," and "that the attacks will be far more deadly than the July 7, 2005 attacks on the London Underground." Well, I guess the day of reckoning has finally come. The attackers are British nationals, trained in Pakistan and directed by Al Qaeda's leaders in that country, through their affiliate, appropriately called, "Al Qaeda in England."

Well, pop open the bottle tops, make another popcorn batch in the micro or the stove, keep close tabs on your loved ones, where they are. Christmas will never be the same again. But then of course, that's what the enemy wanted to do. That's why they call it terrorism. Nothing is cherishable, nothing is pure or off-limits. Destruction is everywhere. And where do you strike back? Pakistan is supposed to be an ally--is it? Or shall we retaliate by dropping the bomb on Iran, where the large majority are unalterably opposed to Ahmadinejad and the mullahs. Or perhaps Syria, where the people are held in fear to "Baby Assad?" Or let's kill all the Palestinians--the folks who hide in fear of Hamas and all the other murderous gangs-passed-off- as martyrs for God.

Where will you put your hate? Good thing there is God. Good thing that the meaning of Christmas is something greater than terror and death.

--Belisarius II--

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

18-19 December 2006

I have read in Stratfor and Newsmax, as well as Hugh Hewitt's column, that the history of (now) former Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Faisal al-Turki moving just before calamity is uncanny, and that war is imminent between Al Qaeda in Somalia against U.S.-supported Ethiopia. I am very concerned, not to mention Iraq, that this Christmas may be a particularly bloody one. Prayer time. Out.

--Belisarius II--

Monday, December 18, 2006

17-18 December 2006

I read in Newsmax.com that the USA and Israel is building what can only be termed a massive missile base and forward ammunition depot near the border with the West Bank. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

--Belisarius II--

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

13 December 2006

Hello. I am at home, day, in the same chair, churning out work on the laptop, while trying not to get the flu. The wife is pumping me full of vitamin supplements and homeopathic remedies, which do indeed work. Hey, anybody who listens.....Oil of Oregano! It is incredible, just about kills everything.

The President has been with the military commanders and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is, without saying so, rejecting the Iraq Surrender Group of his daddy's cronies and Democrat surrender arteriosclerotic fellow travelers. I am happy that he has. The fact is, the Iraqi military will be ready, and they will deal with the insurgency in the coming year. The Iraqi government has reached a deal that will evenly spread oil revenues around the country, taking care of all of the ethnic groups in the country. And stand by, on Monday Israel's Prime Minister Olmert, not on my good list at all, "inadvertantly" blurted out that Israel had nuclear weapons. Everyone knew that they did, but it was supposed to be a "shhhh, don't say it" policy, and had been for decades. Now it's out of the bag. Why?

It's obvious why. Adolf Ahmadinejad of Iran was holding his Holocaust deniers' forum in Teharan, declaring that "the Zionist entity's days were numbered." Considering that IAEA itself declared that Iran is almost at the point of having nukes, and that Israel believes that Iran already does, it was Olmert's throwing out the calling card to the world. Israel will no longer be tethered to whether the USA says go or stop. Israel will defend itself against the ultimate existential threat.

And for those who may read this from the other side (and you know who I am talking to), I will not be discreet. I am glad. The UN and the gutless Europeans have no business telling Israel that it has to be a sacrificial lamb for the Islamists of the world. And the USA was told, in effect, cut out the hypocrisy. We have a right to fight terrorism, just as you do, and we will.

Use nukes? Don't think they have to, unless Iran launches first, or is imminently about to.

It's getting more and more interesting each day.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

--Belisarius II--

Monday, December 11, 2006

10 December 2006

Well, I hear that Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki is going to be forced out this week, with Moqtada al-Sadr soon to follow. Also, it looks like the big issue of oil distribution in Iraq has finally been resolved. That is a major political defeat for the insurgency, and the removal of al-Sadr will be a major move away from civil war. We should pray, and in real hope.


--Belisarius II--

Saturday, December 09, 2006

9 December 2006

I have to confess that I am in a quandry. I am committing myself to help donate my time and ministry to the defense of Western civilization: to help return her to Christian faith and to uphold her institutions of democracy, liberty, and free markets against the enemies of Marxist humanism and, most presently, against Islamist fascism. And then, in my own church, I constantly find people making comments, in sermon comment time at church worship and on the pastor's webblog, that basically spend their time apologizing for everything Western. When I point out the fact that, on the overwhelming balance, the West is obviously uniquely Christian in its foundations (my God, we used to call ourselves Christendom--I still do), they point out the exceptions as if I said nothing at all. You can figure it out---the typical politically correct garbage that passes off for enlightenment and revisionist history.

I can't say it on the church's blog--the pastor gets oversensitive over the slightest reproof of one of his young people, no matter how justified--but here, I can let it rip! These people are just simply ignorant, ignorant, ignorant. We are on the verge of a global war for our very survival, and in what I believe is the house of God, young people just parrot the garbage their anti-Christian and pseudo-Christian parachurch ministry's leaders dish out on them, and act as if we can just embrace everything non-Western as somehow pure and wholesome. If, in their deluded minds, we just act ashamed of being Americans and Westerners and just smile sweetly at our poor benighted Third World brethren, we would somehow be in a new state of Christian purified consciousness, free of our evil racist ways.

Bull! Bull! Bull!

We. Are. At. WAR! And it's time to grow up.
I pray for the the comfort of the family of Jeanne Kirkpatrick, the now late former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. She was Ronald Reagan's mouthpiece to that corrupt body, and a true warrior for freedom. Yet another of those who, is now in a home in heaven, which I long for a little more these days. I will leave with a quote from a speech she once made in the 1984 Republican Convention that still makes sense today, in the light of an America (including in my church) that seems ashamed to stand for itself.

The American people know that it's dangerous to blame ourselves for terrible problems that we did not cause.
They understand just as the distinguished French writer, Jean Francois Revel, understands the dangers of endless self- criticism and self-denigration.
He wrote: "Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself

Adios for now.

--Belisarius II--

Friday, December 08, 2006

December 8th, 2006 A.D.

I was gratified to hear from many different sources of the apparent discrediting of the Iraq Survey Group report, and the leading man of that report, former Secretary of State James Baker. Strange the fortunes of war, and of politics. Six years ago, it was Baker who led the legal and political team that stopped Al Gore from stealing the 2000 presidential election by dismantling the rule of law in vote-counting in Florida and then falsely accusing the Republicans of his own criminal conduct. In 2001-2003, Baker frequently appeared in public on television and other public forums, defending President Bush 43 in his pursuit of the war against Islamist terrorism. He was looked upon as an esteemed elder statesman by almost all Americans who knew much about politics.

But that was up until two days ago. Now he is a joke, a man who will forever be associated, as Neville Chamberlain did in 1940, as a gullible fool who was willing to appease those bent on the destruction of civilization.

For that matter, so will be the American people. I predict that in the coming months there will be instances of U.S. Senate seats that will unexpectedly pass into Republican hands, and control of that chamber in so doing, as unrepairable revelations of criminal scandal come to the surface. And there will be a dismantling of similar control over the next year of the House; it will be extraordinary how swiftly the results of elections will be set aside as the tolling bells of war ring with greater urgency.

A man was arrested in Illinois today, before he could blow up a shopping mall and slaughter dozens, if not hundreds of people just before Christmas. This is the ninth time this year, I understand, that Americans or legal immigrants were arrested as part of intended terrorist activity.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

--GOD, Belisarius, the Cid, and for Spain!....for England and St. George!--

Thursday, December 07, 2006

7 December 2006

Well, Robert Gates is now going to be Secretary of Defense, and him and his friends in the Iraq Study Group are now lying and slandering the U.S. military, saying that we are losing (ooops! I mean 'not winning'). And we are winning, but who wants to look beyond the headlines? But now we're surrendering. Well, my flaky fellow Americans are going to be happy....but are they?


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

5-6 December 2006

I have been behind, as usual. I am not happy over that fact, nor over the capability of people that I have trusted to, in recent days, manage to act in an absolutely irresponsible and illogical manner. But, I move on.

So Robert Gates has fed the Senate Armed Services Committee what most of them wanted to hear: his new boss, President Bush, is a fool for believing that the U.S. is winning the war in Iraq (which it is, but don't tell our fouled up public, and the cynically false American political leadership, especially Democrats, but including too many Republicans). The Iranians and Syrians and Al Qaeda are greatly comforted by the fact that the Americans are, once again, wanting to turn tail and run from a war that doesn't end in a week.

We are fools. Fools. And we deserve what we will soon get from the terrorists. And believe me, it will be much, much worse than 9/11. And I hope it happens soon. Honestly. Maybe it will finally wake us up. But then again, it probably won't. It will probably only produce the lunacy of what comes out of some of the people I know, who think that America got its power through oppression and should be stripped of its power. People like these should be shipped to a deserted island and left there. I am reminded of something that American Revolutionary leader Samuel Adams once said about people like that, "Leave us in peace. We ask not for your counsels nor your arms. Let the chains rest heavy that shall bind you, and let it never be said that ye were ever our countrymen!"

These are not good days for an advocate for freedom, not at all. I am not sure what I can do with my rage and hate, and justified hatred for things evil. Unlike the popular attitudes of this day and age, I do not automatically consider hate to be a vice. When it comes to dealing with evil and wickedness, hate of such things is in fact a positive virtue.

So the Democrat Party of the USA is truly such an institution. I hate them. I want their political power stripped from them and their status as an organization ended. They have embraced Satan, so let Satan embrace them....in hell.

Thus ends my rant, for today. Perhaps for good. We may write again, but for now, I just don't know. I will have to think about it.


--Belisarius II--

Saturday, December 02, 2006

2 December 2006

Well, I see that in the last two days Bush and al-Maliki are going to do Vietnamization of the war. Well, as if that has been a surprise, that's only been planned for the last 3 1/2 years. Real big news break. The killing goes on, and of course, the victories, such as in Baquoba and Ramadi the last two days, go on underreported or ignored altogether by the MSM. We'll Semper Fi to the Marines and Allahu Akbar to the brave Iraqi forces fighting on two fronts to secure their country's liberty--Sunni insurgents on one side, Shiite militias from al-Sadr on the other. I keep praying.


--Belisarius II--

Friday, December 01, 2006

30 November-1 December 2006--Chaos

Mexico is in siege on the eve of its new president's inauguration, Russia's leader is poisoning political opponents. Lebanon on the verge of civil war. Iraq is in civil war. Chavez roaring in Venezuela, Castro in Cuba on verge of death. Democrats already falling apart before even taking power. Condition excellent.

God rules over all, and is always in control.

--Belisarius II--